Debugging a dotnetcore application hosted in a local IIS server
· Reading time: ~1 minute(s) (153 words) programming visualstudio dotnet coreWhen debugging a dotnet framework application that is hosted in a local IIS server, you would usually identify the w3wp.exe instance running the Application Pool and attach your Visual Studio instance to it... (Continue reading)
The imported project ".../Microsoft.WebApplication.targets" was not found
· Reading time: ~2 minute(s) (253 words) programming visualstudioWe have an existing web application project at work which was failing to open in Visual Studio 2019 with the following error... (Continue reading)
JSX/ES6 Syntax Highlighting in Visual Studio 2015
· Reading time: ~3 minute(s) (538 words) programming javascript reactjs visualstudioVisual Studio 2015 (by default) isn't exactly crash hot for editing JavaScript, especially JSX/ES6 for React etc. (Continue reading)
Connection problems in Visual Studio 2013
· Reading time: ~1 minute(s) (148 words) techsupport csharp visualstudioSince installing Update 2 on the work laptop, I've been unable to check for available updates through the Tools > Extensions & Updates screen as it always timed out. (Continue reading)