
React.js Revisited

· Reading time: ~7 minute(s) (1314 words) programming javascript reactjs

It's been a while since I wrote up my beginner guide to React.js and I've been thinking it's time to revisit it. (Continue reading)

npm package.json - Package From a Github Commit

· Reading time: ~2 minute(s) (283 words) programming javascript reactjs npm

Sometimes the version of an npm package has some functionality you want, but it has issues which break other stuff. What do you do? Pull the repo and build it yourself and shoehorn it in? (Continue reading)

JSX/ES6 Syntax Highlighting in Visual Studio 2015

· Reading time: ~3 minute(s) (538 words) programming javascript reactjs visualstudio

Visual Studio 2015 (by default) isn't exactly crash hot for editing JavaScript, especially JSX/ES6 for React etc. (Continue reading)

Griddle - A Grid/Table Component for React

· Reading time: ~3 minute(s) (501 words) programming javascript reactjs griddle

We had a requirement at work to display some tabular data that is retrieved from a web service as a JSON object. As we have recently started using React, it made sense to find a decent component that suited what we needed and after a bit of browsing, we found Griddle. (Continue reading)

Getting Started with React.js

· Reading time: ~1 minute(s) (121 words) programming javascript reactjs

I've recently reviewed some of my blog content and found that... (Continue reading)

Ribbon in .NET 4.5 using WPF and MVVM

· Reading time: ~2 minute(s) (243 words) programming csharp wpf

I've been spending some time recently to learn WPF a bit better including the MVVM pattern to encourage the separation of concerns between the view and the logic behind it. (Continue reading)

Laptop Shopping

· Reading time: ~2 minute(s) (308 words) hardware programming

... it's just never easy when you're picky like me. (Continue reading)