
JSX/ES6 Syntax Highlighting in Visual Studio 2015

· Reading time: ~3 minute(s) (538 words) programming javascript reactjs visualstudio

Visual Studio 2015 (by default) isn't exactly crash hot for editing JavaScript, especially JSX/ES6 for React etc. (Continue reading)

Griddle - A Grid/Table Component for React

· Reading time: ~3 minute(s) (501 words) programming javascript reactjs griddle

We had a requirement at work to display some tabular data that is retrieved from a web service as a JSON object. As we have recently started using React, it made sense to find a decent component that suited what we needed and after a bit of browsing, we found Griddle. (Continue reading)

Getting Started with React.js

· Reading time: ~1 minute(s) (121 words) programming javascript reactjs

I've recently reviewed some of my blog content and found that... (Continue reading)