
Moq - Setup Mock method specifying parameters of type

· Reading time: ~2 minute(s) (255 words) csharp programming testing moq

When working on my GameBrowser project this evening, I wanted to verify that a method setup on a mock object had been called when a property of the parameter object was a particular value. (Continue reading)

Umbraco 7: Create a custom Property Editor

· Reading time: ~4 minute(s) (805 words) programming umbraco umbraco7 csharp

Recently, I've been working on creating an implementation of Umbraco CMS for the Marketing team at work to use for quickly creating content for promotions etc... (Continue reading)

Ribbon in .NET 4.5 using WPF and MVVM

· Reading time: ~2 minute(s) (243 words) programming csharp wpf

I've been spending some time recently to learn WPF a bit better including the MVVM pattern to encourage the separation of concerns between the view and the logic behind it. (Continue reading)

Connection problems in Visual Studio 2013

· Reading time: ~1 minute(s) (148 words) techsupport csharp visualstudio

Since installing Update 2 on the work laptop, I've been unable to check for available updates through the Tools > Extensions & Updates screen as it always timed out. (Continue reading)