Ribbon in .NET 4.5 using WPF and MVVM
· Reading time: ~2 minute(s) (243 words) programming csharp wpfI’ve been spending some time recently to learn WPF a bit better including the MVVM pattern to encourage the separation of concerns between the view and the logic behind it.
It’s been a steep learning curve (to say the least!) but today I spent a bit of time looking into getting an Office-esque ribbon bar onto the main window of my dummy application. At first I wasn’t too sure, but I soon realised it’s not too dissimilar to any other button.
First of all, you need to add the Ribbon bar onto the screen (or enter the following XAML:
<RibbonTab header="A random tab name">
<RibbonGroup header="A random group name">
<RibbonButton largeimagesource="ImageLocation\Image.png" label="Button caption" command="{Binding ClickTheButton}">
Of course, the binding to the ViewModel is already configured for the View at this stage :-)
Then, I added the following C# code to the ViewModel:
public ICommand ClickTheButton
get { return new RelayCommand(new Action(this.ClickTheButtonExecute), this.CanClickTheButtonExecute); }
private void ClickTheButtonExecute()
// Your code goes here to respond to the button click
private bool CanClickTheButtonExecute()
// Logic would go here to decide whether the button should be enabled or not.
// Hard coding a return value of true will mean the button will always be enabled.
return true;
You’ll notice that I’ve been using a class called “RelayCommand”. I got this from an article by Josh Smith for MSDN Magazine.
Hopefully this will help a few people out.