
React.js Continued... State!

· Reading time: ~5 minute(s) (903 words) programming javascript reactjs

This time I'll be looking at State. What it is and how to use it... (Continue reading)

React.js Continued... Components!

· Reading time: ~5 minute(s) (900 words) programming javascript reactjs

It's time to continue on from my React.js Revisited post that I made a few days ago. This time we'll look at creating some components... (Continue reading)

The target='_blank' vulnerability

· Reading time: ~1 minute(s) (123 words) programming security

For many years, I was a fan of using target='_blank' inside any anchor tags on my website that linked to external sites so it would keep the viewer still on my site in the background so they can easily come back to it later on. (Continue reading)

React.js Revisited

· Reading time: ~7 minute(s) (1314 words) programming javascript reactjs

It's been a while since I wrote up my beginner guide to React.js and I've been thinking it's time to revisit it. (Continue reading)

Windows 8/10 computer not connecting to your network?

· Reading time: ~2 minute(s) (389 words) techsupport windowsupdate windows

I have had a fair few people lately telling me that their Windows computers are struggling to connect to the Internet... (Continue reading)

npm package.json - Package From a Github Commit

· Reading time: ~2 minute(s) (283 words) programming javascript reactjs npm

Sometimes the version of an npm package has some functionality you want, but it has issues which break other stuff. What do you do? Pull the repo and build it yourself and shoehorn it in? (Continue reading)

JSX/ES6 Syntax Highlighting in Visual Studio 2015

· Reading time: ~3 minute(s) (538 words) programming javascript reactjs visualstudio

Visual Studio 2015 (by default) isn't exactly crash hot for editing JavaScript, especially JSX/ES6 for React etc. (Continue reading)

Windows 10 IoT on a Raspberry Pi 2

· Reading time: ~4 minute(s) (698 words) raspberrypi hardware iot

I thought it a good idea to spend some time looking at Windows 10 IoT edition on my Raspberry Pi 2, this post describes my experiences in getting it set up... (Continue reading)